Body shaming- No'body' is perfect
This term body shaming came into existence after the recent trend of having plus size models.These models received huge criticism on the pictures posted online,it just doesn't end with plus sized models there are skinny or under weight women being criticized for being bony or weak. Body shaming women is equal to racial discrimination. There have been extremely talented people who have faced these problem and one of them is 3 times Grammy award winner Adele. Adele was told the she is 'too fat' for the entertainment industry to which she replied that there's a lot to be seen for entertainment than a women's body.
The solution to this according to the society is work out or yoga but what about people who are genetically over or under weight? Its high time people need to understand the only solution to this is stop body shaming. Do not body shame and if you see someone do it,take a stand for the person getting victimized.No person works as a judge in their personal lives so they should stop acting like one because there is a lot to see beyond body as the beautiful Marilyn Monroe once quoted "Imperfection is Beauty".